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12वी नंतर काय करावे ?

बारावी निकाल लागल्यानंतर पहिला प्रश्न पडतो कुठे अ‍ॅडमिशन घ्यायची? आपल्याला ठराविक क्षेत्राची माहिती असते. कधी कधी कमी मार्क पडले की तिथे अ‍ॅडमिशन मिळत नाही यामुळे तुम्ही व तुमचा पाल्य दोघेही नाराज होतात.नक्की वाचा तुम्हाला व तुमच्या परिवारातील सदस्यांना, मित्रमंडळींना ही माहिती सांगा एका मुलाचे उज्ज्वल भविष्य घडवायला हातभार लावू या...

         For XII Students

      Science Courses (3 Years)
🔵 BSc Physics
🔵 BSc Chemistry,
🔵 BSc Botany,
🔵 BSc Zoology,
🔵 BSc Computer science
🔵 BSc Mathematics
🔵 BSc PCM,
🔵 BSc CBZ,
🔵 BSc Forestry,
🔵 BSc Dietician & Nutritionist,
🔵 BSc Home Science,
🔵 BSc Agriculture Science
🔵 BSc Horticulture,
🔵 BSc Sericulture,
🔵 BSc Oceanography,
🔵 BSc Melsorology,
🔵 BSc Arthopology,
🔵 BSc Forensic Science
🔵 BSc Food technology,
🔵 BSc Diary Technology,
🔵 BSc Hotel Management,
🔵 Bsc Fashion Design,
🔵 BSc, Mass Communication,
🔵 BSc Electronic Media,
🔵 BSc Multimedia,
🔵 BSc 3D Animation,
And Many More..........

          Commerce Courses

☄CA Chatted Account
☄CMA Cost Management Account
☄CS Company Secretary (Foundation)
☄B.Com Regular,
☄B.Com Taxation &Tax Procedure
☄B.Com Travel & Tourism
☄B.Com Bank Management
☄B.Com Professional
☄BBA  /. BBM Regular
☄BFM Bachelor of Financial Management
And Many..........,

          Humanities Courses......

🗣BS General,
🗣Fine Arts,
🗣Foreign languages,
🗣Home Science,
🗣Interior Design,
🗣Library Science,
🗣Physical Education,
🗣Political Science,
🗣Social Work,
And Many More.....

          ❤ Travel and Tourism

         Management Courses.....

➡Business Management,
➡Bank Management,
➡Event Management,
➡Hospital Management,
➡Hotel Management,
➡Human Resources​ Managemet,
➡Logistics Management,
And Many More..........

          Law Courses ... (3/5 Years)
🗞B.Com + LLB,

             MEDICAL COURSES...

💊BUMS Unani,
💊BHMS Homeopathy,
💊BAMS Ayurveda,
💊BSMS Sidha,
💊BNYS Naturopathy​,
💊BDS Dental,
💊BVSc Veterinary........Etc.....


💉Pharm D,
💉M. Pharm,
💉Anesthesia technical,
💉Cardiac Care technical,
💉Perfusion technology,
💉Cathllab technology
💉Clinical Optometry
💉Dental Hygiene
💉Dental Mechanic
💉Dental Technicianp
💉Health Inspector
💉Medical imaging & Tech...
💉Medical Lab technician
💉Medical Records tech
💉Medical X Ray Technician
💉Nuclear Medicine Tech
💉Occupational Therapist
💉Operation theater Tech
💉Ophthalmic Assistant
💉Radiographic Assistant
💉Radiotherapy Technician
💉Rehabilitation Therapy
💉Respiratory Therapy Tech.
💉Blood Transfusion Tech..
💊BSc Renal Dialysis
And Many More.......

          B.Tech Engineering ..... (4year),

⚙Petro chemical Engineering
⚙Petroleum Engineering
⚙Civil Engineering
⚙Mechanical Engineering
⚙Aeronautical Engineering
⚙Aerospace Engineering
⚙Agricultural Engineering
⚙Architecture Engineering
⚙Automobile Engineering
⚙Automation & Robotics Eng.
⚙Avionics Engineering
⚙Biomedical Engineering
⚙Bio technological Eng..
⚙Chemical Engineering
⚙Ceramics Engineering
⚙Computer Science Engi..
⚙Electronics &Comm.Engi.
⚙Electrical & Electronics Engi.
⚙Environmental Science Engi.
⚙Information Science Engi
⚙Industrial Engineering
⚙Industrial Production Engi..
⚙Instrumental Technology
⚙Marine Engineering
⚙Medical Electronics Engi..
⚙Mining Engineering
⚙Manufacturing Science Engi.
⚙Naval Architecture Engi....
⚙Nanotechnology Engi..
⚙Polymer Technology Engi..
⚙Silk Polymar Engi...
⚙Carpet Technology Engi...
⚙Textile engineering

And Many More........

         POLYTECHNIC (10 th class)
🔧Civil engineering
🔧Mechanical engineering
🔧Automobile engineering
🔧Computer science engi.....
🔧Electronics and communication   
🔧Electrical engineering
🔧Petro chemical engineering

And Many More...........

(new job opportunity Course​s - 2/3/5Years Duration)

🔴BBA Aviation
🔴BBA Air Cargo Management
🔴BBA Aeronautical
🔴BBA Retail Marketing
🔴BBA Customer Care Management
🔴BBA Airline & Airport Management
🔴BBA Cargo Management
🔴BBA Office Management
🔴BBA Store Management
🔴BBA Mall Management
🔴BBA Logistics

💻BCA Cloud Computing

And Many more.....

             Architecture(5 years +2)
🎢B.Arch (NATA is Compulsory)
And Many More Courses.

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