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11th Math Practical No.11 Sequence and series. Answer Solution | Maharashtra Board HSC Board | Balbharati


11th Std Math Practical

Mathematics and Statistics (Arts and Science)

Answers (Solutions)

Practical  No.11

11) Sequence and series

Practical Session No. 11-Sequence and series

Let's see What you will Study in these Chapters


Practical Session No. 11
Sequence and series

1. A sequence is generated by the formula 2nManbnc=++, where a ,b and c are constants. If 1234,10 and 18MMM===, find the values of a ,b and c.

2. Soham starts a new job on an annual salary of Rs. 2,00,000. He is given an annual rise of Rs. 5000 at the end of every year until he reaches his annual salary of Rs. 2,50,000.Then his annual rise will be Rs 7000 per year. Find the total amount he earns a) in the first 9 years b) over 15 years

3. Sanvi decided to save some money during the two week holiday. She saved Rs. 2 on the first day, Rs. 5 on the second, Rs. 8 on the third and so on. How much did she have at the end of the vacation? If she continuessaving in the same way, how long would it take to exceed the total saving Rs. 610?

4.Suhani is offered a job. The starting annual salary is Rs.12 Lacs. She is given 5% increment per year. What will be her annual salary after 10th year? Also find her total earnings in 10 years.
(Given 9101.051.55,1.051.63≈≈)

5. Find a) ()61235nn=Σ b) 172924381...3−−+− c) ()180.25nn∞=Σ

6. If the ratio of H.M. and G.M. of two quantities is 12:13, then show that the ratio of the numbers is 9:4

7. If ,,abc are in H.P., then show that ,,abcbccaab+++ are in H.P.

8. The sum of three decreasing numbers in A.P. is 27. If 1,1,3−− are added to them respectively, the resulting series is a G.P. Find the numbers.

खलील व्हिडीओ त उत्तरे व Solution मिळेल 

Note: तुम्हाला यासारखे  आणखी उत्तर /Answer /Solution-Practical ट्युटोरियल 

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